Jan 2, 2018

Nvidia GTX 1070TI Hashrates

The Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070TI graphics card is the top pick in terms of hashing efficiency per watt. Until WhatToMine.com actually lists the 1070TI, hopefully this table will offer you some much needed guidance. Optimizing your individual graphics card isn't a walk in the park, so this will help tell you what hashrates to aim for.

The following table was prepared independently using several different 1070TI models: ASUS ROG Strix, EVGA SC, MSI Duke, and ASUS Turbo. Results were averaged for the sake of readability.
TDP 78 +/- 9% | Core +135 +/- 22 MHz | Mem +525 +/- 75 MHz
Algorithm Hash Speed Watts Efficiency
Ethash 30.4 Mh/s 130 0.23 Mh/W
Groestl 39.8 Mh/s 148 0.27 Mh/W
X11Gost 12.9 MH/s 138 0.09 Mh/W
CryptoNight 645 h/s 118 5.47 h/W
Equihash 515 sol/s 132 3.90 sol/W
Lyra2REv2 45100 kh/s 185 244 kh/W
NeoScrypt 1230 kh/s 142 8.66 kh/W
LBRY 320 Mh/s 136 2.35 Mh/W
Blake (2b) 1840 Mh/s 136 13.5 Mh/W
Blake (14r) 2850 Mh/s 143 19.9 Mh/W
Pascal 1100 Mh/s 140 7.86 Mh/W
Skunk 31 Mh/s 135 0.23 Mh/W

Update! WhatToMine has released their 1070 TI hashrates! To be perfectly honest I think my data is more accurate then theirs so I think I'll leave this up!

And as always, I'll continue to update this occasionally as my numbers get more precise over time.

Take Care!